Firefighter of the week “Tyler Alheim”
Tyler started his firefighting career 19 years ago at Greenwich FD before transferring to Johnsonville. His highest rank during his time at Johnsonville was Assistant Chief. Tyler specialized in “truck” and rescue operations. He recently moved to Schuylerville and joined Schuyler hose where he hold the position as firefighter and “truckie”. I have worked many fires with Tyler and as the “engine” guy (Nozzleman) its aways great to have a “bull” on site. While on a working fire. I was inside working the nozzle and i see him smiling like a kid in a candy store in the bucket venting for the interior attack crew. A few words exchanged in fun. ( he got to see what engine guys do ). Tyler is also a member of MacBoston 18 truck, Which honors fallen firefighters. He proudly wears 106. Thank You for your service Tyler and proud to call you a brother.
1 comment
Awesome Congratulations!! Way to keep the firefighting family tradition alive and making us all proud.
LT/EMT Larry Alheim, Montana City Volunteer Fire Dept. Montana City MT.